The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
· repressed traumatic emotion → compulsive intramuscular sensation → obsession with immobility → false motiv → voluntary movement
· repressed traumatic emotion → compulsive cutaneous sensation → obsession with verification → false motiv → act
Fixation of Libido at the anal stage, one of the stages of Libido development.
The determination of a manner of tic movement
1. The sensation of a psychic motor unit (i.e., a group of muscles) is localized by an ordinary movement, with muscular contraction, tension, fatigue, etc. The manner of this psychic motor unit will be memorized with its location and its bodily sensation of muscular contraction. In the situation in which the muscle (group of muscles) is localized, a false motif becomes an attribute of the manner of movement. One of these motor units will be selected as the muscle for « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic. There is no relationship between the content of the trauma and the content of the obsession.
2. Libido with fixation at the anal stage arbitrarily chooses a motor unit and, at the moment of physical repression, makes « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic in this group of muscles.
3. The Conscious is forced to do a tic movement in order to eliminate the disagreeable sensation that amplifies itself in the muscle of this motor unit and the obsession of the immobility. The “obsessive intramuscular sensation” of tic can also be felt as a kind of immobile weight.
4. The movement, which has succeeded in becoming an object of the Conscious with its absurdity, will be a jurisprudence, a precedent, and this « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic will be repeated.
1, 2, 3, 4 : All these steps are in the frame of a pathological structure, that is Absolute-Compulsion. Absolute-Compulsion is a tunnel that connects straight the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder and a tic movement, without any other exit. Absolute-Compulsion is the structure of the disease. Absolute Compulsion cannot be an object of conscious for the patient, object as the force of the obsession.
In order to force the Conscious to make an absurd voluntary movement, the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » has a false motive as an attribute. The false motive is an excuse that appears in the Conscious and is expressed by the words: “Because…”. The Unconscious invents this false motive, therefore ce false motive is extremely childish.
For example,
false motives for un eye rolling tic (extraocular muscles) can be;
“Because my eyes are tired, a little bit of exercise of the eyes is needed.”
“Because checking the eye mobility is important.”, etc.
Alternatively, ideas in hypothetical form, such as;
“if my eyes were not tired, this eye movement would not be necessary.”, etc.
It is just like the fox, who would say : “If these grapes were ripe, I would take them.”
The false motive does not force its tic movement: it appears collaterally in the head at the moment of the tic movement. While the Freudian Super-ego develops from the age of 5 years, the onset of a tic disorder can be already at the age of 2 years. Thus, Freudian Super-ego is not the issue concerning tic disorder. Among the structural elements of the Kuriki method, there is neither Ego nor Id.
The false motive comes from the fixation at the anal stage. The particularity of a false motive is that it is extremely simple and extremely childish. A word of coprolalia also has this infantility.
KV is a function pathological of bodily repression of disagreeable bodily sensations, especially bodily sensations such as the genitals and the excretory organs; primitive repressed sensations. The « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder diverts the intentionality of the Conscious, to avoid these sensations which are to be repressed.
The sensation of the external anal and external urethral sphincter, which is a striated and voluntary muscle, is similar to the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic. If the sensation of the external anal and external urethral sphincter is repressed by the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic, the Conscious will look at the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic and will not look at the sensation of the external anal and external urethral sphincter.
To understand rationalization in tic disorder, before examining false motives in tic disorder, we first look at examples of false motives in obsessive-compulsive disorder and impulse control disorder.
Obsession and false motive
Ideas, such as “2 plus 2 is 5.”, “Mona Lisa is symmetric” are wrong ideas. On the other hand, thoughts of obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as “The number must be 3.”, “The curtains must be symmetrical” are not mistakes. Thoughts of obsessive-compulsive disorder are irrational. “The number must be 3.” This is the same childish Libido, which says : “The shoes must be red.” Fixation at the anal stage.
To do an obsessional act of obsessive-compulsive disorder, this act is necessarily accompanied by a false motive.
For example, “Because symmetry is beautiful.” etc. ; a false motive comes to mind at the moment of action. False motives are childish.
Neurosis makes the Conscious conscious of the irrational illness. The rationalization in an obsessive compulsive disorder chooses a “thought”, which is obviously irrational. The types and the contents of acts and thoughts, which have been chosen by the rationalization of obsessive compulsive disorder, have no therapeutic importance. The thought in itself and the act in itself have no pathological significance, but the compulsiveness of a thought and the compulsiveness of an act are pathological as neurosis. In the Conscious of the patient, it is not the thought that forces the act, but the amplification of the sensation of fear by the “compulsive physical sensation” of OCD and the amplification of the compulsive sensation which force the act.
Neurotic obsession is always accompanied by physical symptoms, and the « compulsive physical sensation » of OCD feels like the bodily sensation of adrenaline secretion. Bodily reactions to adrenaline secretion vary individually, but skin sensitivity is much probable.
The Libido makes directly a sensation that is an imitation of the sensation of adrenaline secretion, and the Conscious interprets this sensation as anxiety.
The «compulsive physical sensation» as a means of repressing genital sensation: a conflict of libido against libido.
Neurosis is a mechanism of repression of the mass of emotion.
In libido, the relationship between the trauma and the genital sensation.
The lower layer
The lower layer of neurosis is the emotional mass of the trauma.
The upper layer
Its goal is the bodily repression of the genital sensation.
The upper layer consists of three elements.
The false motive for selecting an object of obsession at random.
・Object of obsession
In phobias, the physical sensation of fear (adrenaline). In tic, the sensation of the position of a voluntary muscle.
・Amplification of the sensation of compulsion
The thought and the act of resolution have no therapeutic significance. The treatment consists only in eliminating the traumatic emotional mass.
Examples of the false reasons of obsessive compulsive disorder and impulse control disorder.
As the choice of false reasons is a personal question, there are various possibilities.
As “It is good to cut the nails”, often the legitimacy of false reasons has been given by others; the parents, the teachers, etc. The legitimacy of good behaviors of good children.
1. Trichotillomania (Impulse control disorder)
“Because there are a lot of hairs.”
“Because hair will grow back.”
“Because hair is not necessary.”, etc.
The legitimacy of false reasons passes the Super-ego. The true cause of a trichotillomania has no relation to hair. The arbitrary selection (i. e., rationalization) chooses a trichotillomania among several KVs, and this
trichotillomania functions as a means of repression. The problem of this bothersome trichotillomania will be a big object of the Conscious.
2. Onychophagia, or nail biting (Impulse control disorder)
“If there was a nail clipper here, I would use it.” That is just like the fox ; “If those grapes were good, I would take some.”
“Because fingernails grow quickly.”
“Because cutting fingernails is a good action.”
“Because teeth cut fingernails faster than a nail clipper.”
“As there are teeth, nail clipper is not necessary.”
A lot of false reasons are possible.
3. In order not to inundate the house during the absence, the confirming check of the faucets is justified. The Super-ego justifies the confirming as many times as the Libido wants. The enduring conflict between the rationality of the Conscious and the irrationality of this repetition will be a big object of the Conscious, and a primitive sensation, for example, will be repressed.
4. “Good children wash their hands with soap.”
Hand washing is a good behavior, the Super-ego doesn’t refuse it. The Super-ego justifies hand washing as many times as the Libido wants. As a disinfection of bacteria, the anus should be washed, but the anus is a primitive sensation and it is an object of the bodily repression (KV).
5. The repeating confirmation of the contents of an envelope to send.
“Once closed (or, once sent), no verification will be possible.”
“Rather than hesitate long to check, check for the last time is faster.”
6. Compulsive hoarding is a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The visible symptom of a garbage clutter and the false reason (the superficial motive) have no therapeutic importance. The orientation of the treatment is not toward “why accumulate garbage”, but “why a neurosis.” If the patient had no compulsive hoarding, he could have trichotillomania. This arbitrariness of symptom is the rationalization in the Kuriki method. A compulsive hoarding in the Absolute-Compulsion of compulsive hoarding. For a patient, not to accumulate garbage is as impossible as not to breathe.
False reasons are childish.
“Because these things will be able to be used someday.”
“Because throwing is wasting.”
“Pity for these things.”
Becoming a child under 5 years is a way of the Libido to pass the Super-ego, and this way is also applied to sexual acts of adult persons.
· Counting the number of things is an imitation of small children.
· Arrangement of objects on the table is an imitation of playing blocks.
· Thumb sucking is an imitation of babies.
(In the interpretation by Freudian psychoanalysis, infantilization is a regression of the Ego, against the reality principle. For example, some people eat chewed ends of fingernail. A return to the stage of a baby, who puts anything in the mouth, namely, going back to the period prior to the trauma. Likewise, trichotillomania.)