The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
Tourette syndrome and autistic spectrum.
The term “autistic spectrum” is the name of a domain of definition. The generic name of symptoms in this domain is pervasive developmental disorder. Therefore, pervasive developmental disorder and autism spectrum disorder are synonymous. Learning disability and ADHD are not included in the autistic spectrum. Putting ADHD, learning disability and pervasive developmental disorders together, these are called developmental disorders. The autistic spectrum, which also includes the healthy state as level zero, varies with each individual, and elements of ADHD and LD are often added to the pervasive development disorder. As human physiognomy, there are different states of symptoms as many as the number of the patients. The Kuriki method considers neurosis as a double structure, the upper layer of which is the KV; the mechanism of the bodily repression. Statistically, relationship can not be completely denied between the KV and the autistic spectrum. In Kuriki method, the term “repression” means, in the broad sense, the functional condition of the intentionality of the Conscious. It’s somewhat the same thing as “repressing” the holes of DO and SOL of a harmonica in order to play the note of MI. The Conscious is a Conscious of an object, and other objects are repressed. The Conscious in itself is a product of the repression of the Unconscious. The content of the dream is repressed when you woke up in the morning. By a motor tic, such as shoulder tic, the hardness of the chair can be repressed. The Kuriki method is a theory of bodily repression.
A subset of the patients with Tourette syndrome can also be a subset of the patients with autistic spectrum disorders. Tourette syndrome is a neurosis, and autistic spectrum disorders are not neuroses. The tic movements are always voluntary movements: even for tic disorder of patients with autistic spectrum disorder, the tic movements are always voluntary movements. It is not a movement of reflex, such as the mechanism of a robot. The tic movements are done always very consciously under the Absolute Compulsion.
“Stop it! That’s enough! Why you do that movement?”.
“I have to do it.”
Like respiration, the tic movements are voluntary movements, which must be absolutely done. On the one hand, in a healthy state, the eyes are always moving unconsciously, and on the other hand, eye-rolling tic is an extremely conscious movement that must be absolutely done. Patients with coprolalia have to pronounce the word “××××”. The Patients who have a clapping hands tic have to make a strong sound by striking precisely the left palm and the right palm together. The movements of tic are not direct symptoms of autistic spectrum disorders. Under the Absolute Compulsion, the tic movements are conscious voluntary movements that are physically forced by a sensation of contraction in voluntary muscles, without actual contraction. Often patients with autism spectrum disorders have an acute sensibility to the body sensations, and the KV (the function of the bodily repression of disagreeable bodily sensation) is not rare among patients with autism spectrum disorders.
The « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder is a symptom of neurosis, and it is not an element of the autism spectrum. Only the tendency to neurosis is due to congenital predisposition. The autistic spectrum is congenitally specific for each patient, and there will be no change in the state of the autistic spectrum after the healing of a tic disorder. In autism spectrum disorders, there is often a state where things that have not been verbalized are completely outside of the Conscious: the formation of a large mass of emotion is possible. Disagreeable judgments at the libidinal level and disagreeable primitives sensations can be functionally repressed. It is possible that children with Asperger’s syndrome who have symptoms of neurosis have functionally repressed the genital sensation that has not been verbalized.