The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
When a negative judgment on something is frozen, this judgment will not be expressed by means of an emotion in the Conscious, and it will be repressed as a potential emotion. The repression of disagreeable judgment is one of the basic concepts of the method Kuriki, which allows a clear understanding of the emotional catharsis. Emotion is a bodily means for the clear expressions of judgments in the Conscious. Freezing is a state where an image is maintained as being neutralized, before the negative judgment on this image would be recognized in the Conscious. It is a state where the flow of the normal reaction after the image is blocked.
For children, the sensation of the genital part is a secret, a shame and evil, and also the genital parts of the others are dirty and obscene. These judgments are very normal and very healthy. Among many possibilities of repression as the cause of a tic disorder, there is a possibility of the repression of a judgement such as; “the sensation of the genital part is evil.” If a child represses this judgement, he or she does not think of this judgement. Then, guilt feeling on the genital part will accumulate in the Unconscious. Here, I mean that children should have guilt feeling on their genitals. It is a very healthy as human beings that Adam and Eve hide their genital part with a leaf.
The idea of hiding the genital area presupposes the obscenity of the genital sensation. The act of not hiding the genital area is a repression of the obscenity of the genital sensation. While the genital sensation, which is always conscious, can not be repressed, the obscenity of the genital sensation can be frozen. Namely, indifference in the head about the genital sensation, without hiding the genital area, and lack of the conscious guilt feeling about the genitals. It is a mistake to interpret it as a natural behavior. Sometimes children don’t have the right to recognize the obscenity of the genital sensation. It is the right to affirm in the head the existence of obscenity, which is a negative attribute of the human mind.
Humans, like other mammals, have genitals in the crotch and in this sense the genitals are animal-like. However, the animal aspect of the genitals is excluded from the Conscious. It would be offensive to say; “Humans have genitals like dogs.”
Similarly, if a normal judgement, such as “the genital parts of others are filthy”, has been repressed, there will be no such a judgement in the Conscious of the child. The aversion to the genital parts of others will accumulate in the Unconscious.
The bodies of others are naturally considered filthy. It is a right of the child not to repress this disagreeable judgement, this natural aversion.
A child who represses his disagreeable judgement looks happy. He is happy in the head where there is no such a disagreeable judgement and that is called repression. For psychological health, a disagreeable judgement should be recognized as a disagreeable judgement in the head. It is not the question of expressing it to the people or not, but the important thing is to express the aversion in the head. Anyway, if a disagreeable judgement has been expressed to someone else, it is sure that this disagreeable judgement has been expressed in the head of the child. With a very exaggerated expression, to better understand; “Beware of a child in a good mood.”
Descriptions of what the psychological trauma is is disgusting, because the psychological traumas are disgusting things. The descriptions of the treatment of neurosis are the descriptions of disgusting things. That is the fate of the science of psychoanalysis. In the human mind, for an identical thing, the judgment may be positive or negative between the two extremes. For example, the judgments relating to foods are bizarre. The bodies of dead animals are dirty, but it is a joy to eat the flesh of beef. Meat for beefsteak in the refrigerator is not considered as something dirty. Foods are clean things, but once put in the mouth, chewed, they are considered dirty. Saliva in the mouth is judged as dirty. During swallowing, the thing in the mouth is not considered dirty. Things in the stomach are extremely dirty, but having extremely dirty things in the central part of the body is not disagreeable. In contact with foods, the fingers are not something dirty, but hair is a dirty thing. Nel contatto con gli alimenti, le dita non sono qualcosa di sporco, ma i capelli sono cose sporche. Only one judgment is clearly selected between two extremes. Regarding obscenity, the obscenity active on the part of oneself is affirmatively judged in his or her personal phantasm. The reciprocal active obscenity of a couple is positively judged. But, without consent, unilateral obscenity on the part of the other, passive obscenity will be judged very negatively. Primitive bodily sensations as objects of repression and the psychological trauma image are linked in the repression of the obscenity.
Repressed judgments are principally sexual or genital disagreeable judgments. When an adult person who has a tic seeks his or her psychological trauma, the trauma would not be always among unpleasant memories. The trauma might be behind a happy memory, or in a memory gap. And also a too much obvious memory is able not to come to mind.
When you think you have found the trauma, and if it is an emotion of anger, you try to push intentionally an anger against the image, with the clenched fists. The bingo will be so obvious as having an explosion of emotion. You must immediately stop the anger. The traumatic emotions can be an anger, a fear, a sadness, a disgust, etc.