The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
Fixation at the anal stage
Freud’s theory of psychosexual development is a theory about the sexuality. It is only for the purpose of explaining the treatment of neurosis. Neurosis is the obsession and the compulsion to free oneself from it. Obsession requires one or more obsessions, which are chosen at random.
The anal stage is the period when physical sensations exert coercive force on Conscious.
The formation of tic disorder, as a neurotic mechanism of pathological bodily repression, consists in a kind of unconscious imitation of the procedure of defecation. It can be considered as fixation at the anal stage.
Tourette’s syndrome consists of four layers.
・Formation of a mass of emotion due to un trauma.
・Obsession as a mechanism to repress the mass of emotion.
・Selection of un object of obsession.
・Formation of a physical sensation of compulsion.
・Compulsive act.
Understanding the compulsive act is different from extracting the mass of emotion.
Understanding the fixation at the anal stage does not substitute the treatment of neurosis. Neurosis is a mechanism that represses the mass of emotion, and the only treatment for neurosis is emotional catharsis. The emotional catharsis is the explosion of disagreeable emotion formed by sexual and genital trauma.
Defecation is done as follows:
Increased rectal pressure, increased bladder pressure → Contraction of the external anal sphincter, contraction of the external urethral sphincter → Need to defecate → Defecation, relaxation of the external anal sphincter, relaxation of the external urethral sphincter → Good feeling of release
Tic disorder
Neurosis → Localization of any voluntary muscle, obsession → Sensation of contraction without contraction «compulsive intramuscular sensation» → Disagreeable state → Compulsion → Tic movement → Sensation of relaxation → Repetition
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Neurosis → Localization of any thing, obsession →
Phobophobia → Physical sensation of anxiety → Compulsion → Act → Sensation of relaxation → Repetition
In the « psychology » of Anna Freud, defense mechanisms are included in the functions of the healthy Ego. The Ego is defined being in a state sandwiched between the Id and the Superego. Since the tic disorder can appear before the formation of the Superego, the tic disorder cannot be determined as disease of Ego with regression, one of the defense mechanisms.
While the physical growth of a child is visible, the healthy growth of his libido is often overlooked.
Coprolalia; pronounce childish words.
Obsessive compulsive disorder; Counting things, arranging things, like a little child,
The symptom of tic disorder, namely the “compulsive intramuscular sensation” is the fixation on the existence of voluntary muscles as physical sensations inside the body, existence discovered when the patient was a baby.
This may be due to the unique nature of the criteria for judging libidinal unpleasantness in a child who is somewhat Asperger and his bodily mechanism of repression.
The “compulsive intramuscular sensation” is an arrow pointing to a voluntary muscle arbitrarily selected by rationalization, and this sensation is formed by the libido which is in a state of fixation.
In anal fixation, the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » is a kind of imitation of the sensation of the anal sphincter using any voluntary muscle.
The normal state of the anal sphincter is unconscious contraction: relaxation, only at the moment of evacuation.
The compulsion is a kind of imitation of the need to defecate. However, this imitation is the symptom of neurosis, not its cause.
The symptom is not the unconscious expression of the repressed object. Therefore, the symptom may change. The symptom is a tool of repression. Any observation of the symptom will not reveal the object of the repression. A neurotic act which is totally meaningless is the condition for its absurdity to be an object of Conscious. With Asperger’s particular physical sensations, the tic is a tool for physical repression of disagreeable objects in the Id of the pleasure principle. The object that is repressed by the physical symptom of neurosis may be the sexual desire directed toward the pleasure of one’s own body. The perversity is the fate of psychoanalysis, and if psychoanalysis avoids perversity, it will cease to be serious. Libido should not be vaguely conceived of as mental energy. Libido is sexual and genital. Since psychoanalysis is a method of treatment for neurosis, the symptom of which is a physical symptom. La psychanalyse parle de la structure malade, plutôt que de la psychologie saine.
Sexual and genital Libido
In some cases, the conscious effect of physical Libido can be traumatic in childhood. Repression is denial : even when denial is difficult, it is an attempt to deny. Even if the patient is aware of the content of the trauma, the patient may not be aware of the intensity of the trauma ; the intensity of the repressed emotion.
If the perceived conscious effect of Libido is too big for a child, it will be an undeniable trauma and a kind of PTSD. Awareness is an appearance in the Conscious of a child.
The “obsessive intramuscular sensation” is the “positional indication” of a voluntary muscle by the Unconscious. The obsession with the presence of this muscle is a fixation at the anal stage. Along with the awareness of genital sensation, the awareness of the effect of Libido is too strong, which leads to childhood trauma.
It is difficult to speculate about the psychological trauma that caused the anal fixation, and it can also be said that the psychological trauma is very clear to the patient. Interference with the development of libido. The child’s Unconscious represses his own genital sensation. A child a little bit Asperger may seriously consider his genital sensation as immoral.
« Intramuscular sensation » of tic,
which appears for the suppression of disagreeable physical sensations (for example; fatigue). Asperger.
« Compulsive intramuscular sensation » of nervous tic,
which appears for the suppression of the libidinal genital sensation. As neurosis, it appears all the time except during sleep. neurotic Asperger.
There is no direct relationship between the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder and the mass of emotion.
There is no direct relationship between the manner of a movement of tic and the content of a psychological trauma.
Compulsion-Absolute is not visible to the patient. The sole object of the Conscious is the disagreeable physical sensation of « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder. The patient cannot see the frame of the Absolute Compulsion, which connects absolutely a movement of tic to the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder. The real purpose of the upper layer of tic is the repression of the local sensation of another part of the body than that of the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of nervous tic.
For example, the purpose of the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder that appears in the neck is the repression of the sensation of a body part other than the neck. Libidinal genital sensation; extremity of the urethra, glans penis, clitoris, etc.
The imitation of the anal stage, the obsession with the voluntary muscles, i.e., the fixation on the anal stage represses the following stages of libidinal development.
The obsession with the absolute compulsion of highly conscious voluntary movements.
Considering the relationship between sphincter contraction and relaxation during excretion, if the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » is described as contraction without contraction, it is possible that this is an additional order of relaxation, which is not possible in a relaxed state.