The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
· With the schematic understanding about the Unconscious, to imagine the Unconscious as an invisible animal.
· To forgive the actual person who caused the traumatic event.
Just as the functions of chess pieces make sense only on a chessboard and, even if there is a piece with a horse’s head, that piece does not make sense as a knight on a white table, and, in this sense, the function named “knight” does not exist on a white table, the terms of psychoanalysis are not names of things, but names of suppositional functions to better describe the way of treating neurosis, these terms do not make sense in healthy mind. People who are not patients under treatment of neurosis do not have “the Unconscious”.
In the Kuriki method, while the upper layer of the structure of neurosis is a new original theory of the author, the lower layer is very Freudian. The concept of Freudian psychoanalysis has been interpreted specifically to be adaptable to part of the Kuriki method.
The Super-ego, the Id and the Ego, for the treatment of the physical symptoms of neurosis.
For the descriptive representation of the therapy, Freud defined, in 1923, these three components in the domain of the Unconscious. It’s only a matter of definitions, but anyway, the Super-ego, the Id and the Ego do not make sense in a healthy mind, because it is a way of representing the unhealthy state of mind. As they are meaningless in the healthy mind, the healthy mind has no Super-ego, no Id, no Ego. These are designations for schematic explanation that Freud used in order to provide facility to the reading of his descriptions. In order to intelligibly describe abstract ideas, their elements must have a schematic form with a specific name. Freud kindly used expressions such as there is the Super-ego «above» the Ego, etc., with illustrations, in order to facilitate the reading of his readers.
For the easy understanding of the physical symptoms of neurosis, Freud asked his readers to imagine such elements as the Superego, the Id, the Ego, etc. It does not mean that healthy mind consists of the healthy Super-ego, the healthy Id and the healthy Ego. Confusing the descriptive representation of Freudian therapy for neurosis with the structure of healthy mind, it is sometimes misunderstood such as “everyone has the Unconscious, and there is the Super-ego, the Id and the Ego in the Unconscious, etc.” Also, terms such as “Unconscious”, “Libido”, etc. are only descriptive representations for the therapy of the patients with the physical symptoms of neurosis, and these terms are not defined in healthy mind. On the one hand, “the structure of the human mind is made of the Super-ego, the Id and the Ego”, just like the plan to make a DIY kennel, this rudimentary misreading should be avoided, on the other hand, for the treatment of patients with the physical symptoms of neurosis, such as Tourette’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., it is necessary to imagine a specific structure and describe it with specific names.
The psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud is psychoanalysis for adults, which is something like literature. He defined the repression as the repression on the libidinal pleasure. Assuming an element called Super-ego, the function of repression has been described in the Ego as the relationship between the Super-ego and the Id. Freudian Super-ego develops at the age of five, and tic disorder can start at the age of three, theerefore Freudian Super-ego has no role in tic disorder. In the Kuriki method, repression is the repression of the physical expression of disagreeable judgment, i.e., the repression of disagreeable emotion. It is also the repression of disagreeable physical sensations. The synaesthetic sensitivity for KV and the deficiency in bodily emotional expression are specificities of Asperger syndrome.
The Super-ego is an antagonistically transformed part of the Id, and in the neurosis of an asperger person, the libidinal element of the Super-ego is hidden.
KV (bodily repression) of the Kuriki method designates the mechanism, in which, to divert the Conscious from the body part of repression, another body part becomes the object of the Conscious, and the Conscious makes a specific bodily act.
If a person who has KV is not neurotic, his KV réprimes only disagreeable physical sensations, and his KV does not have compulsivity.
If a person, who has KV, is neurotic, his KV réprimes the mass of emotion behind the traumatic image, and his KV has compulsivity all day long. The libidinal body part as the symbol of the trauma is repressed by the intentionality of the Conscious in the direction of another part of the body.
Physical symptoms are a means of bodily repression, and neurosis uses bodily repression. The bodily repression function in Asperger’s syndrome is congenital and often inherited. Unlike PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), disagreeable emotion is repressed and becomes a trauma. Trauma is not the cause of pathological repression, on the contrary, pathological repression mechanically transforms disagreeable things into traumas. The repression that is commonly found in Asperger’s syndrome is the cause of the formation of a mass of emotion, and the traumatic image is an usual image on the surface of the mass of emotion. When KV is compulsive, the object of repression is symbolic. As the lid of repression that closes hermetically without you noticing it, the compulsive KV constantly blocks natural abreaction, and only intentional abreaction will be effective. Intentional abreaction is useful also for learning to loosen the too strong repression.
Freud did not know the particular neurological phenomena such as mirror-touch, ASMR, synesthesia, etc. He could not infer the mechanism of bodily repression (KV) by the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic in a voluntary muscle, in the autism spectrum, which is defined in a very large domain. Concerning the formation of the mass of emotion, all Freud could imagine was only the conflict between the libido and the Super-ego, namely, the content of the trauma. Freudian trauma is literary, and it is just a small part of the lower layer of the Kuriki method. The Super-ego can be one of the elements that prevent the natural abreaction of the trauma, as defending the responsable person of the trauma, but it is not an element in the mechanism of the formation of the mass of emotion using KV. The insufficiency of bodily expression of disagreeable emotion in autism spectrum disorder causes the formation of a mass of emotion, and the symptoms of compulsive KV, such as tic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, etc., repress the mass of emotion. Repression is the repression of emotions. Emotion is the bodily expression of the object of the Conscious, which Asperger blocks. The tendency to have a big mass of emotion and the mechanism of bodily repression are elements in the congenital predisposition. The treatment consists in extracting the disagreeable emotion in the mass of emotion and eliminating the compulsivity from the mechanism of bodily repression. The Kuriki method presupposes that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst.
In Freud’s theory after 1920, neurosis is defined in relation between the Id and the Super-ego. Then, the structure of the Unconscious theoretically must have the third component, which is the “relationship” between these two components. This third component is the Ego. Schematically, in the Unconscious, Freudian Ego extends between the Id and the Super-ego. The Ego is only a purely theoretical component and the majority of its domain is in the Unconscious, and the Ego can never be an object of the Conscious.
False motif
In the Kuriki method, “rationalization” is the function to select randomly the manner of the bodily symptom of neurosis. A symptom will be selected out of the symptoms that have possibility of at least one false motif. Because the acts of obsessive-compulsive disorder and the movements of tic are voluntary movements and they are always accompanied with a false motive in the Conscious. The fox has already a false motive; “Because the quality of the grapes is bad”, so the conscious act of going away is chosen in the Unconscious. He does not invent a motive at the time of leaving. (Cf., §13).
“Infantilization” in coprolalia is the possibility of a false motive, like “infantile elements have no bad intention, therefore, they are admitted”, etc., rather than the regression to a fixation in early childhood. For the selection of a physical symptom of neurosis (= rationalization), infantilism may be used for a false motive, so that Libido would be able to pass the censorship of the Super-ego.
The Kuriki method uses Freud’s psychoanalytic terminology to describe the lower layer of the neurosis structure, but there are big differences in their definitions.
The Kuriki Method is a theory of therapy for people with tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, which healthy people are not able to understand.
For healthy people, this theory is of no use at all.
This is descriptive expression of a therapeutic method, and its scientific validity is not the question.
It is obvious that the tic movements are a hundred percent voluntary movements, and it is regrettable that many people cannot understand such a rudimentary fact.
When we observe explosions of emotional catharsis, it is obvious that neurosis cannot be inferred without the element of psychic energy, and we can easily imagine that there are thresholds between the psychic energy and the body. We need to understand libido in its behavior and also in its quantitativity. Libido exists quantitatively, and it can be also a domain as the intersection of the Unconscious and the body. When an effect of Libido is considered as sexual by the Conscious, this effect can be named “sexual desire”. As a sexual act, sport activity, a theater of comedy, etc., when an effect of libido appears in the Conscious, libido passes the Super-ego with infantilism.
But at the same time, on the contrary, in the treatment of neurosis, rather than neutralizing the definition of the libido, we must consider that libido is equal to sexual desire. And for the research of the trauma, in the world in the patient’s head, one of the targets will be the disagreeable emotion of the patient about the bodily sexual desire that somebody else had manifested on the patient’s body. A child, who is a little bit Asperger, may feel strong disagreeable emotion to the physical contact by someone, and this is a kind of sexually disagreeable emotion.
The Id itself in the Unconscious should not be confused with its infantile manifestation in the Conscious. Fans of psychoanalysis sometimes wrongly think that the Id is infantile a priori. It is essential to know, in order to understand the symptom, that the Id adopts infantilism when the activity of the Id manifests itself in the Conscious, but the Id itself is not at all infantile.
Tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are neurosis, and their symptoms are always bodily symptoms, i.e., compulsive intramuscular sensation and obsessional act. KV is a mechanism of repression against bodily sensations, and at the same time, the body is a means of repression against the lower layer (mass of emotion) of neurosis. The Conscious of the patient is forced to make a very specific voluntary movement under the reign of the Absolute Compulsion.
For example, a patient with panic disorder, with the obsession of bodily sensation, is forced to make a bodily act, which is the escape from the place. Panic attack occurs only in a place where the escape is physically impossible. Regarding the physical sensation of adrenaline, state of the body, which is called « fear », panic attack is neurosis of phobophobia, which is the amplification of fear by « fear of fear ».
Unnecessary overestimation of the Unconscious as “bottomless” will disturb the treatment of tic disorder or that of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is very important to clearly recognize that the Unconscious is a small closed domain. This understanding might be difficult for the persons who have a tic disorder or an obsessive-compulsive disorder, as their Unconscious wants to hide the function of repression. For the explanation of the treatment of neurosis, we imagine that the Unconscious is a distinct area which exists beside the Conscious as a next room, so to speak. By definition also, even with profound meditation, we cannot look inside the Unconscious. Instead of trying to search for the Unconscious with eyes closed, the patient must consider the Unconscious as the repression function.
It is reasonable for the patient to regard his Unconscious as a transparent and very stupid cat, which is not at all communicative.
Forgive the actual person who caused the trauma.
To forgive means that the patient should not resort to physical violence against the real person who is responsible for the trauma in order to accomplish his abreaction quickly. A trauma is sexual from the point of view of the Unconscious. It depends on the Asperger tendency of the child, whether the act of a family member is sexually disagreeable or not. A pervert act of everyday such as cutaneous contact, showing genitals, etc., will become a trauma, if it is not disagreeable in the Conscious of the child by repression. If the act is explosively felt disagreeable in child’s Conscious with strong emotional expression, it will not be a trauma. Normally there is no pervert individual within the family, and probably the Unconscious of the child might have misunderstood something. Even if a cat has misunderstood something in the humane society, people around this cat don’t have any responsibility for it. Cats are cats, men are men:
even in a house of men, cats live only in their heads. In most cases, le psychic trauma is formed, so to speak, by the stupidity of a cat that is the Unconscious. Don’t attack the real person as the cause of neurosis, as putting the illusion of a cat and the men’s real society on the same level; i.e., (unless the person is a case of sexual perversion), in general, in the formation of the trauma, the unconscious part of the trauma is an accident due to negligence. One should not cherish the Unconscious, as the traumatic emotion is in the memories of the Unconscious. Memories are treasures of life, but the Unconscious is only an invisible animal that is very stupid. Repression of traumatic emotion is a stupid mistake which has been committed by the very childish Unconscious. Don’t confuse the virtual world of illusion in the Unconscious of a little child and the real world of adult society. Just as you need intelligence to find happiness in unsatisfactory everyday life, you need intelligence to heal your tic disorder or obsessive–compulsive disorder with joy. Keeping the mental state that can distinguish between a virtual person and a real person is the fundamental attitude in psychoanalysis. If the emotion of emotional catharsis is anger, you need intelligence to forgive the concerned real person at the same time that you give to the potential anger a way of expression in the Conscious. The traumatic event is not the cause of the repression: the predisposition to repression (congenital tendency of Asperger) is a condition for the formation of a trauma. The quantitative combustion of the emotion of anger against the virtual person of the trauma is the catharsis as the treatment of a tic disorder or an obsessive compulsive disorder. To get angry in the Conscious against the virtual person is the treatment. The patient needs intelligence to distinguish between the virtual person and the real person.