The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
The axioms for the theory of the Kuriki method.
In the sense that nothing can be absolutely true for man, all theories are only hypotheses, moreover, with scientific progress, most of the accepted theories of today will be considered false in the future.
(Psychoanalysis is a treatment for the physical symptoms of neurosis; the psychoanalytic terms are descriptive expressions of therapy and pathological behaviors of the mind. For example, regarding «the Unconscious», it is not that «the Unconscious exists», but it is a descriptive expression as «imagining that, in the mind, there is a part named the Unconscious, the treatment can be more easily explained, and thus more easily intelligible». Apart from the treatment of neurosis, all the psychoanalytic terms, such as the words «the Unconscious», «Libido», etc., do not need to have meaning. Descriptions of psychoanalytic treatments are imaginative metaphors on the unknown domain of the mind, and it is ridiculous to require any scientificity or logic there.)
The axioms make the starting line where the reasoning of a theory begins. The axioms beforehand show fundamental elements as the basis of the theory, in the independent form of the theory. The axioms do not need to be proven their veracity but must be facts that generally people consider as true. However, some of the axioms of the Kuriki method theory, that is, some of the facts in tic nervous system and obsessive-compulsive disorder are not widely known to people. For the understanding of the reasoning which has been done in the theory of the Kuriki method, first the readers must recognize some important facts about the symptoms of tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. These obvious facts that the Kuriki method uses as axioms are not known by many people: it seems that it is the reason why tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are mistakenly considered as incurable diseases. In these axioms, there are facts which are impossible to be observed : obvious facts for the author may seem to the reader elements of fanciful theory.
The axioms for the theory of the Kuriki method are as follows. (Each fact is going to be described in detail on the following pages).
· 30% of Tourette’s syndrome patients have also obsessive-compulsive disorder.
· By definition, the symptoms of neurosis are always physical symptoms. (Only when the patient has physical symptoms and only when no physical cause is found, there is possibility that the patient is diagnosed as neurotic).
Compulsion is the relationship in the body between compulsive disagreeable physical sensation and compulsive voluntary movement.
· The neurotic Unconscious resists the cure of its neurosis. Therefore, the Conscious cannot want to read the Kuriki method.
· Compulsive physical sensation:
– Tic disorder; «disagreeable physical sensation in a voluntary muscle» + «compulsion on muscular immobility» ⇒ amplification of the compulsion in the Conscious ⇒ necessity of a determined voluntary movement.
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; «disagreeable physical sensation, imitating the effects of adrenaline» + «compulsion on a thing» ⇒ amplification of the compulsion in the Conscious ⇒ necessity of a determined bodily act.
· The compulsive physical sensation is extremely conscious, and the compulsive movement and the compulsive act are also extremely conscious. Therefore, it is incorrect to use the term “premonitory urge”.
· There is Absolute Compulsion between the disagreeable muscular sensation and the voluntary movement of tic, also between the disagreeable physical sensation of obsessive-compulsive disorder and the compulsive bodily act. The tic movement and the act of obsessive-compulsive disorder are physically and absolutely forced, and it is impossible to hold them back.
· The tic movement is a voluntary movement. The patient must know the neurological correct definitions of voluntary movement and involuntary movement; « What is voluntary movement? What is involuntary movement? »
· Intentionality in the movement or in the act goes beyond the organic domain. Many muscles are used together to make a precise movement, such as spitting on a specific target, clapping hands, etc. In coprolalia, only childish words of children in kindergarten or absurd words in the country, therefore embarrassing words for the Conscious of the patient will be selected.
· A tic movement is necessarily a rapid movement, the specific manner of which is individually defined with precision. It cannot be substituted with an almost similar mouvement. A word of coprolalia, by an almost similar word.
· The hereditary congenital base of KV (the mechanism of bodily repression) is organic predisposition in the spectrum of autism, which is incurable. The result of treatment with the Kuriki method is a state of KV, where the compulsivity has been eliminated: i.e., non-neurotic KV.
· Sometimes, the compulsivity of tic disorder can be naturally eliminated without intentional emotional catharsis. The cases can be transient. Transitory cases exist. The compulsive physical symptom is bodily operation of repression.
· Autism spectrum disorder is very frequently with tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Although there is no transient autism spectrum disorder, the symptom of tic disorder and the symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder wax and wane, can be transient.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder is a name given to the totality of a wide variety of symptoms. While autism spectrum disorder has various types, tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are very often observed: tic disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder can be one of the identifying elements in diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.
If Asperger syndrome and ADHD are incurable and tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are their attributes, and it would seem to mean that tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are incurable, but, in fact, between Autism spectrum disorder and neurosis, there is the necessity of the Absolute Compulsion, and the treatment of this necessity can make neurosis disappear. This necessity means the necessity to repress the emotion which is hidden behind the traumatic image, and to keep this traumatic image in a state of ordinary image, the necessity of unconscious repression.
Energy of the necessity of bodily repression = Energy of the necessity of bodily compulsive act
Tic disorder = Congenital tic + Compulsivity
Tic disordeer and obsessive-compulsive disorder are types of neurosis with the particular physical sensations which are found in autism spectrum disorder. After the elimination of the necessity, i.e., after the elimination of the object of repression, tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder will lose compulsivity.
After the treatment of the Kuriki method, tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder will lose their compulsivity. Sometimes, but less and less frequently, the disagreeable muscular sensation of tic, which has lost its compulsivity, will appear only against disagreeable physical sensation; against sensation which is evident in the Conscious, for example, physical fatigue, physical pain, etc.
After healing of neurosis, pure congenital tic has no compulsivity. Pure congenital tic is very different from neurotic tic disorder.
The disagreeable muscular sensation of tic will not appear compulsively any more in order to repress, for example, the unconscious sensation of the contact between the genitals and the underwear, etc., etc. The treatment will exteriorize the repressed emotion and eliminate the necessity of the symptom; the symptom is a lure which attracts the intentionality of the Conscious. For the understanding of the Absolute Compulsion of neurosis, the physical sensation and compulsive voluntary movement of tic disorder and the physical sensation and compulsive act of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the patient must know Asperger’s particularity in the tendency of physical repression and in the physical senses.
N. B.,
While there are other ways of treatment for tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, you cannot find descriptions of other treatments in the description of the Kuriki method.