The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication
Things that should have been libidinally disagreeable.
Usually, in the life of a small child, it’s quite normal that some libidinally disagreeable things are repeated every day: disagreeable things in different ways than adults. “Libidinally disagreeable”, it means something is sexually, genitally, bodily or vitally disagreeable. Various cases are normally possible; for example, the weird personality of one of his parents, touching, daily presence of something very grotesque, nakedness of an adult person, etc., etc. With individual differences, it is normal that there are a few libidinally disagreeable things in life of all children. The problem is that it may happen that small children don’t know the things that should have been disagreeable for them. As causes of neur
ose, the things that should have been intrinsically libidinally disagreeable are often bodily things. Children think that the actual state of bodily things is a normal state in this world where we live. The things that “should have been” disagreeable, because in reality these things were not disagreeable in the Conscious. It may happen that the discernment of a child is not autonomous yet and these intuitively disagreeable things cannot be judged correctly and recognized as disagreeable in the Conscious. The child knows that he himself hates spinach, but his Conscious ignores, for example, what part of the body he doesn’t want to be touched. Of course, Asperger repression on Asperger aversion is not in the Conscious. Concerning a certain bodily thing, sometimes the Conscious of the child has no disagreeable judgment, such as; “This is really a nasty thing!”, “I absolutely hate this!”, etc. The vague object, «a certain bodily thing», will be specified after the trauma search by each patient himself. The misfired disagreeable judgment cannot become an object of the Conscious and it will remain blocked in the Unconscious. While disagreeable emotion is a means of expression in the Conscious for a disagreeable judgment, in the repression, the claim for strong refusal will be conserved in the Unconscious as potential emotion, i.e., suspended emotion. The word “potential” means that a state of energy has not yet been converted into another, like electrical energy which remains suspended in a battery; frozen state, so to speak. In memory, the trauma has been classified as an ordinary image among innumerable ordinary images, but this traumatic image hides a very large mass of potential emotion behind it. If the repression were not so strong, one day the claim for refusal would naturally express itself in the Conscious as disagreeable emotion «I hate that!», but a child a little bit Asperger has very strong repression and his claim for refusal will remain without means of expression; expression in his head, of course. The potential emotion will form a large mass after the daily quiet repetition of the same trauma. In addition, a new traumatic image will envelop the previous traumatic image. Children with very strong repression seem happy, and their life is considered as without problem, neither in the past nor today. More precisely, strong and healthy repression is a normal condition for healthy mental activity for everyone, but if the mechanism of repression involves the body, this pathological mechanism will appear as a hysterical symptom. Of course, by definition, hysterical symptoms are always bodily symptoms. The following 50 sections are descriptions of Tourette syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder, as states of Asperger mechanism of bodily repression, when this mechanism needs compulsivity. In these 50 sections, all the ideas on the theory of the Kuriki Method have been presented. The method is complete and there is nothing beyond the §50.
Cure for tic disorder (Tourette syndrome).
Cure for Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Treatment without medication. (However, if there are elements od epilepsy, dystonia or depression, treatment requires medication for these elements.)
The patients with tic disorder have to move a body part, issue voice every minute, etc. Tic disorder is a disease. The Kuriki method cures this disease in a psychoanalytic way, considering it as a neurosis. For a better understanding of neurosis, it is necessary that the patient studies it individually with the assistance of a psychoanalyst in his vicinity; psychoanalyst of any school. (Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, which is not psychoanalytic, is not acceptable.) The Kuriki method is a clear and coherent theory, but the understanding will be the understanding by the reader. The patient himself must personally understand the theory. The Kuriki method is only a rough sketch of treasure map: the patient will find his own understanding at the end of a long search which is extremely personal. On the other hand, if you are a specialist of psychoanalysis, please read with the question; “Why classical Freudian psychoanalysis cannot cure Tourette’s syndrome?”
Diagnosis of tic disorder
· Verify that the tic movements of the patient are not spinal reflexes, involuntary movement, since the tic movements are voluntary movements.
· Examine the compulsivity and frequency of tic movements after a quantity of exercise which is equivalent to climbing stairs up to the sixth floor: (except very small children.)
· Note the presence or absence of elements of dystonia and epilepsy.
· Note the presence or absence of elements of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
· Note the presence or absence of other neuroses; obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, etc.
Non-organic symptoms of tic disorder
1. While a person with epilepsy who has seizures, for example, on the left hand has firings at the point concerning the left hand in the brain, so seizures of this person come up always on the left hand and the place of seizures never changes, « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic is possible on any voluntary muscle in the whole body of the patient with Tourette syndrome; in several groups of voluntary muscles, sometimes the precedence changes. The physical symptom of tic disorder is not an organic symptom of cranial nerves concerning the body part where « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic appears.
2. For the movement of clapping hands tic (with both hands together, of course), the movement of tic of spitting to a specific target, etc., several voluntary muscles are often grouped under a conscious motor unit, as a group of voluntary muscles.
3. A word of coprolalie needs to have a very bad meaning in the country.
4. Sometimes, tic disorder of a child disappears by itself. For a small child, tic disorder is not always a chronic tic; the tic disorder of a small child can be a transient tic.
5. In the pure case of tic disorder, the onset of the symptom is at the age of 3 – 10 years, but if tic disorder was due to organic causes only, the symptom must have been discovered within 12 months after birth. For example, the onset of the symptom at the age of 8 years seems too late for a kind of abnormality which has only organic causes.
Confusion between organic predisposition, non-organic symptom and non-organic treatment.
If the parents are obese, their children are predisposed to obesity. This problem, the cause of which is congenital, therefore organic, has dietary solutions. The hereditary predisposition to obesity does not necessarily determine an actual state of chronic obesity. We can treat a state of obesity without changing the organic cause, i.e., the gene. The treatment of the symptom of a disease that has a hereditary element as its organic cause is not necessarily an organic treatment. As statistics show it, Tourette syndrome has a hereditary element; an element of genetic predisposition, namely an organic cause of tic disorder. But a tic, which is a compulsion, is not an organic symptom. The Kuriki method is a non-organic treatment of this non-organic symptom, which is due to an organic predisposition.
The Kuriki method is not a training with a therapist. It is a theory that will enable the patient to understand the mechanism of his own tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. With understanding, the healing of neurosis should be done slowly through more than three months. For the case of a small child, both mother and father must understand the theory of this method.
Q.; What to do as a method of cure for tic disorder?
A.; 1. (Upper layer of tic disorder) Understand that a tic movement is a voluntary movement and the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder is a mechanism to repress disagreeable bodily sensations.
2. (Lower layer of tic disorder) The understanding of the patient about the mechanism of the upper layer will prevent the hermeticity of the repression. Consequently, the traumatic image of the lower layer will start to be discovered automatically.
· An adult; reduce gradually the large mass of emotion by emotional catharsis.
· A child; without emotional catharsis, give him a verbal explanation about his repressed emotion; classical verbal abreaction. However, in general, in everyday life, when a child who has a tic cries, it can be considered harmful to order him to stop crying and deprive him of the activity that encourages spontaneous catharsis.
Q.; Expense; how much does it cost?
A.; As the emotional catharsis is very powerful, therefore dangerous, il will be started with the help of a psychoanalyst in the vicinity, at least for the first four sessions; a psychoanalyst of any school.
Q.; Is this method really effective to heal tic disorder?
A.; If not to do a tic movement is as impossible as not to do respiration, the Kuriki method will be effective for that patient.
The characteristics of the Kuriki method.
As the sychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud could not cure tic disorder, naturally, the Kuriki method has some big differences.
· Tic movements are 100% voluntary movements. If you can hold back a movement even for a second, this movement is a voluntary movement. Only when the pathological movement is a voluntary movement, the disorder can be diagnosed as tic disorder. If the pathological movement of the patient is an involuntary movement, it is not tic disorder.
· The compulsivity of a tic movement is absolute.
· For the Conscious of the patient, the main symptom of tic disorder is a muscular sensation of immobility. A compulsive tic movement is needed in order to solve this sensation. The Absolute Compulsion manifests itself so physically as a sensation that the patient cannot easily recognize it as a compulsion.
· There is only one kind of tic disorder. Classification of tic disorder by movement types is useless, as all voluntary movements can be randomly a tic movement.
· A tic is a mechanism of repression of disagreeable bodily sensations. Tic disorder is a tic which is dominated by compulsivity, as a neurosis.
· There is no relationship between a tic disorder and a non-libidinal and non-genital stress, such as school stress, social stress, parental discipline, etc.
· As the psychological trauma of a patient of tic disorder is a trauma of a small child, it is not necessarily a dramatic and literally horrible trauma. His trauma is very probably an event that is repeated in daily life in peace, libidinally disagreeable, banal and ordinary. The problem is that the Asperger mechanism of bodily repression (KV) is used in the Unconscious for the hermetic conservation and accumulation of the emotion of anger.
· A manner of tic movement has no meaning as the expression of the content of the trauma and does not give any hint to trauma research.
· “Tic” and “tic disorder” : Repression is the avoidance of the association between two objects of the Conscious; from the object-A toward the object-B. The repression of the object-B is done by the objectification of another object, the object-C. For the tic congenital as an object-C, the object-B is a disagreeable physical sensation such as physical fatigue. In the case of tic disorder, the object-B is the mass of traumatic emotion and the tic (the object-C) is compulsive. After the treatment of tic disorder, the object-B can only be a disagreeable physical sensation and the tic (the object-C) is no longer compulsive.
· A manner of tic movement is randomly selected by rationalization, always with any justification.
· The tendency of KV and DD(developmental disability) is statistically considered as genetic, i.e., hereditary.
· Once the treatment of emotional catharses has been finished, there will be no reappearance of tic disorder.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Absolute Compulsion is something like a tunnel, which has an entrance (compulsive physical sensation) and an exit (bodily movement, act). A tunnel of tic disorder has the entrance of a specific bodily sensation that appears in voluntary muscles (« compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic), walls of obsession of the immobility in voluntary muscles, and the exit of a determined voluntary movement (tic movement). A tunnel of Obsessive compulsive disorder has the entrance of a specific bodily sensation that appears, for example, in the skin, etc., («the compulsive physical sensation» of OCD) and the exit of a specific act (act of OCD). In this sense, tic disorder is a type of obsessive compulsive disorder that has an intrusive thought of the immobility of voluntary muscles, and obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of tic disorder, of which the obsession is not muscular, but an act. Just as tic disorder is possible with all voluntary movements, obsessive-compulsive disorder is possible with all conscious acts. Thus classification by the intrusive thoughts and the compulsive acts is no use, and such kind of classification shows lack of understanding about neurotic symptoms. In the Unconscious, the manner of the symptom of a patient has been randomly determined, as with a dice. In the Kuriki method, the fact that the determination of a tic movement is random and that the determination of an intrusive thought is random is called “rationalization”. It is an interpretation of Freudian rationalization. The special bodily sensation of obsessive-compulsive disorder («the compulsive physical sensation» of OCD) is due to a congenital predisposition. It is a kind of general sensation (general = whole body). The Conscious of a patient with OCD interprets this bodily sensation as “anxious feeling” or “unpleasant feeling” that he has for a trigger. On one hand, the patients with tic disorder perceive the muscular sensation of « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic in the Conscious and cannot recognize the bodily necessity of their tic movement as a very strong intrusive thought, on the other hand, the patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder perceive the bodily sensation of « compulsive physical sensation » of OCD only as anxiety and have an intrusive thought in the Conscious. In the Kuriki method, tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder will be cured by the same treatment, which consists of understanding the structure of KV and emotional catharsis.
The Kuriki method has no therapeutic effect on depression. Since a too strong explosion of emotional catharsis makes lose transiently the mental quantitative equilibrium and causes transient strong feeling of anxiety, the emotional catharsis of a patient who has both depression and obsessive compulsive disorder is dangerous.