How to heal Tic Disorders.
How to heal Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder.
The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.
Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication;
· The Kuriki method can be understood only in individual reflection of each one of the patients. The area of responsibility of the author ends at the content of the description, and understanding of the description is an extremely personal question of each one of the patients.
· Just as there are people who cannot understand that all kinds of ordinary materials can sometimes become an allergen that causes hives, there are people who cannot understand the puerility of the trauma of a child. For example, simple cutaneous contact with an adult can be traumatic in the Unconscious, etc., etc. Also, there are people who cannot understand, as rudimentary neurology, the clear distinction between the voluntary movements and the involuntary movements.
· If a patient did too strong explosions of emotional catharsis without the assistance of his psychoanalyst, the author would not take all the responsibility for this patient.
· The author of “the Kuriki Method” does not take responsibility for the person who has not read “the Kuriki Method”.
· The joyfulness that the patient finds in the treatment is under the responsibility of his psychoanalyst.
Heal Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder with the Kuriki method.
· Disagreeable local bodily sensations; for example, the chair is too hard, the legs are tired, etc.
· Disagreeable general bodily sensations; for example, cold winter wind, etc.
· Bodily sensations in the genital area.
When there is one of these disagreeable bodily sensations, another disagreeable bodily sensation appears as a means of repression. The intentionality of the Conscious is diverted to the second sensation, and the compulsion of an absurd movement or an absurd act amplifies itself in the foreground of the Conscious. When the patient figured out this pathological mechanism of KV, the long-term treatment begins with his psychoanalyst.
How to heal Tic Disorders.
How to heal Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder.
Theory of Kuriki method
Cure Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder
KV (bodily repression)
neurosis by the compulsive KV
Abreaction with emotional catharsis
Tic disorder
While the author had realized the therapeutic theory for the treatment of tic disorder long ago, the process of writing texts in seven languages, sentence by sentence, more intelligible possible, gradually led the theory to clarity of its structure. However, for some readers, tic disorder may still seem like an incurable and mysterious disease, and there are parts of the text that can be difficult to understand.
The Kuriki method has two characteristics that make reading difficult. First, as «the structure of this theory» is nothing but «the structure of a disease», which is neurosis, the understanding must be done in the morbid structure, incorrect structure. It is a paradox that the correct description of an incorrect structure looks like an incorrect description. Some readers who do not recognize that they are trying to understand a morbid structure only in the healthy structure consider the structure of this theory as something incorrect. Secondly, the descriptions of the structure of sick mind cannot be understood logically. There is no proof of the theory. The descriptions of the Kuriki method will be read only in imagination of readers, about unknowable things, without scientific intelligibility.
Diagnosis of tic disorder
When a small child has started to do a tic movement, the parents should read all 50 sections of the Kuriki method before seeing the doctor, even if they do not agree with the view of this theory. Of course, the readers have feeling of not agreeing with the Kuriki method without reading it. Tic disorder is a disease that the Unconscious of the parents “needs” as well as the Unconscious of the child, and the Unconscious will be trying to resist the attempt at cure. The cause of the disease is there, behind this resistance. The resistance of tic disorder will prevent unconsciously the reading of the Kuriki method. Cf. resistance (psychoanalytic term).
There are two reasons why the parents should read this method before seeing the doctor. First, the act of indicating the tic movement of the child can worsen it. The parents should know that the act of seeing the doctor can cause worsening, i.e., there is a possibility of making a transient tic chronic. Second, while a voluntary movement of tic is very easy to recognize, a diagnosis of tic disorder means a very important diagnosis of the presence or absence of dystonia, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorder (syndrome Asperger) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and, of course, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Descriptive expressions of abstract concepts
The purpose of this method is to cure safely tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder in a healthy way without medication. Once understood, the theory is very clear; the author tried to describe it in the most simple possible way. The description of a mental structure is not the description of a real thing. Each one of the psychic functions is an expression that the author used in order to describe the idea of the cure, which could have been described in other ways. Just as electric circuit is often described with water circuit analogy, psychoanalytic words are used so that the author can easily describe the treatment of pathological mind and the readers can easily understand it. Psychoanalytic words do not reveal the indefinite structure of the human mind.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder are almost the same disease with almost the same symptoms, which are the appearance of a disagreeable bodily sensation and the absolute necessity to do a precisely predetermined bodily action, i. e., bodily compulsivity.
The difference is that the thing external for obsessive compulsive disorder is the sensation of the presence of a muscle for tic disorder.
The disagreeable bodily sensation, which forces an act, is not unbearably aching. Although it is an act which is bodily forced, this act is not forced by intense pain. The disagreeable mental feeling of compulsion is not something like unbearable nausea. A patient has to do unwillingly a voluntary movement of tic or an act of obsessive-compulsive disorder: this movement and this act of neurosis are extremely conscious each time. Unconscious tic does not exist. In the Kuriki method, the pathological necessity that forces the Conscious to do a tic movement or an act of obsessive-compulsive disorder is named Absolute-Compulsion. The Absolute-Compulsion is a tunnel which has only one exit, which is to do the bodily act of which the manner has been precisely predetermined. For a tic movement, the patient is aware of only the compulsive manifestation of the disagreable physical sensation, and he does not see the presence of the transparent framework of the Absolute-Compulsion. For an act of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the patient is conscious of the mental force of the framework of Absolute-Compulsion only, and he does not know the presence of the physical sensation of compulsion. That is the reason why, for people who do not have knowledge about neurosis, tic disorder and OCD look as though having quite different symptoms. The Kuriki method is a way to eliminate the morbid framework of the Absolute-Compulsion.
The patients with PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, who can have Absolute Compulsion, know obviously, too much obviously, the cause of their disease. When a patient with PTSD has a tic disorder or an OCD or both of them, nobody will wonder why. While the traumatic events are obvious for the patients with PTSD (accident, etc.) and these objects of the function of repression surpass the capacity of healthy repression, the objects of repression by a tic disorder or by an OCD of small children are in general daily repeated acts which can be considered as normal ordinary acts. For example, nudity of parents or cutaneous contact could be a very heavy burden for the Unconscious of a little child who might be a little bit Asperger.
The theory of the Kuriki method is the theory of KV. To avoid that a disagreeable bodily thing becomes an object of the Conscious, another disagreeable bodily thing appears and becomes a stronger object of the Conscious; this mechanism is innate. If a child is under the reign of neurosis, in the Unconscious, the libidinal traumatic image is represented by a libidinal body part, such as the genitals, and this body part will be repressed in the mechanism of KV. KV is a coined word in the Kuriki method and stands for «körperliche Verdrängung». The author would have used an English word, but the word existed already in a completely different domain with a completely different meaning. K is the initial of körperlich, bodily, and V, Verdrängung, repression, and it is not kognitive Verhaltenstherapie at all. This new term is needed to indicate the congenital predisposition that can function as either a tic disorder or an OCD, etc. The treatment of tic disorder and the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder are the treatment of the compulsivity of neurotic KV, and a tic disorder and an OCD must be able to be treated in the almost same way. If the patient has a tic disorder and an OCD, the symptoms of these two diseases disappear at the same time by the treatment. The autistic mechanism of KV can cause also Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (such as Trichotillomania, Onychophagia, etc.) and panic disorder (hobophobia), etc. The theory of the Kuriki method is the theory of KV. It is a method to eliminate the compulsivity (absolute necessity of pathological repression) from KV congenital. After the treatment with emotional catharsis, KV of the patient will have no compulsivity any more and the Unconscious will not need absolutely the mechanism of KV any more.
The Kuriki method considers that neurosis consists of two layers: the upper layer and the lower layer. The lower layer is represssed hypertrophied mass of disagreeable emotion, (pathogenic nucleus). The upper layer is KV, (the bodily mechanism of repression for disagreeable bodily sensations). In the structure of neurosis, the existence of the lower layer is repressed by the presence of the upper layer. In autism spectrum disorder, the mass of emotion, which has only very little spontaneous volatilization, will be in a state of hypertrophy in the mechanical hermeticity.
The patients with tic disorder or OCD must understand that their disagreeable judgment in the Unconscious concerning a repeated every day event has been made by their own congenital predisposition and not by the act in itself of a family member.
(Of course, it would be completely out of the question, if there were an adult family member who showed his or her genital parts to a small child every day, or who touched sexually the body of a small child every day, etc. The Kuriki method does not mention about these criminal acts.)
Neurosis used to be called «hysteria» at the time of Sigmund Freud, Georges Gille de la Tourette, Jean-Martin Charcot, Eugen Bleuler, Pierre Janet, etc. The symptoms of neurosis are bodily symptoms: the understanding of this disease is reasoning in the domain of the combination of the Unconscious and the body:
Freud could not cure tic disorder:
Freud used the word “repression” as a psychoanalytic term in a narrow sense. In the theoretical structure of the Unconscious, Freudian repression is a function of the Ego to avoid the conflict between the Ego and the Id, and also the conflict between the Ego and the Super-ego. Since the formation of Freudian Super-ego is at the age of five, it cannot be a component of the structure of tic disorder, which starts often at the age of three. In the Unconscious of a child of three years, there is no opposition between the Super-ego and the Id, and theoretically the Ego is not necessary: so Freudian repression, which is a function of the Ego, is not a component of the structure of tic disorder. For Freud, neurosis is a phenomenon of regression to the fixation in very early childhood, and the regression of the patient who is currently a very small children of three years old is not theoretical. In Freudian repression, the repressed things are dramatic: it is literature.
The Kuriki method
In the Kuriki method, the definition of the word “repression” is broad. Repression is a function not to select the objects that should not be selected in the mental activity of the Conscious. Repression is a function of the Unconscious, with KV of Asperger, not only to block the Conscience to feel the physical sensation which the Conscious does not want to feel, but also to block the Conscious to feel the emotion which the Conscious does not want to feel. As the first priority, the function of repression maintains the order in the Unconscious, and determines the objects of the Conscious. The predisposition to tic disorder of a small child is a kind of abnormality in the repression mechanism, and the specificity of the trauma, which is repressed by his tic, is not the cause of the disease, because KV as an autistic predisposition to tic disorder is genetic, therefore congenital. From a pathogenetic point of view, the presence of a mechanism of hysteria is a congenital predisposition, and more significant than the content of the trauma. As long as the child has the mechanism of hysteria, and when he has no disagreeable sentiment, any disagreeable thing can become a trauma for him. The presence of the mechanism of hysteria precedes the content of the trauma. As the hovering of a hummingbird requires continuous beating of the wings, the mechanism of repression must be running constantly, all day long. The hysterical symptom of tic disorder, which is a bodily sensation, is a means of repression; i. e., the appearance of «the compulsive physical sensation» and the Absolute Compulsion for the bodily resolution (voluntary movement of tic) make this mechanism of repression. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a kind of tic disorder, of which «the compulsive physical sensation» is not intramuscular sensation : but a cutaneous sensation, etc. The treatment consists in extracting the repressed object (mass of emotion) by explosions of emotional catharsis against the strong autistic hermeticity.