Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication §49

The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.


Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication


Application of the Kuriki method to obsessive compulsive disorder.
The Kuriki method does not use medication, but if an obsessive compulsive disorder is with a state of depression, the case is beyond the scope of the Kuriki method. Depression is not a neurosis and requires treatment with medication or treatment with food supplement (tablet of iron, for example).
To understand this section, the reader must have already read all 48 preceding sections, even if he has only obsessive-compulsive disorder, without tic disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder has been mentioned in the descriptions of tic disorder.
The Kuriki method is, for its concept, a way of treatment for tic disorder. However, as the upper layer of tic is a repression of the lower layer and obsessive-compulsive disorder is considered as a means of repression of the same lower layer, treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and treatment of tic disorder must be similar as treatments of neurosis of the repression-type. From the opposite point of view, the possibility of application to obsessive compulsive disorder in a similar way is the validity of a theory of tic treatment.
There is a domain of bodily sensations between the mass of emotion in the lower layer and the thoughts-acts in the upper layer of obsessive compulsive disorder. The upper layer can not directly repress the lower layer. It is basis of neurosis treatments to understand that the mental sensations are also bodily sensations.
The classification of the thoughts-acts of obsessive-compulsive disorder is not important. What is important is to understand that this classification does not matter. The contents of the thoughts of obsessive-compulsive disorder are products of the rationalization so that the manifestation of the Libido pass the Super-ego; i.e., any act with a childish legitimacy.
In the Kuriki method, the symptoms of neurosis are considered as bodily symptoms. Application of the Kuriki method to obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is to consider that a neurotic bodily sensation is a means of repression of another body sensation. Between the lower layer of obsessive-compulsive disorder and thoughts-acts, there is «the compulsive physical sensation» of OCD, which is produced by the Libido, and which forces the act. Because this sensation leans towards anxiety, «the compulsive physical sensation» of OCD can be considered as an imitation of the effects of adrenaline. The Libido produces a false sensation, as if there were too much glucose and too much oxygen in the blood. It is something very easy for the Unconscious of people who have a predisposition to dysautonomia. Against this false sensation of anxiety, any reassuring conscious act passes the Super-ego. «The compulsive physical sensation» of OCD has individual differences. The function of the upper layer of obsessive compulsive disorder is the repression of various bodily sensations, especially the repression of the primitive sensations. The presence of the upper layer is a means of repression of the lower layer.
[the upper layer = disagreeable bodily sensations vs. «the compulsive physical sensation» of OCD vs. thought-act]
[the lower layer = mass of traumatic emotion]
The central subject of psychoanalysis is on sexual and genital problems in early childhood. By adding the meaning of the adjective “vital”, these problems can be “libidinal”. It is the fate of psychoanalysis that the content of psychoanalytic descriptions seems pervert, but avoiding it, it could not be treatment of neurosis. It will be ideal, if psychoanalysis itself is regarded as a perversion. Here, early childhood means the period from 0 to 5 years old, boys and girls. Concerning the acts of excretion, in general, urination is considered more lightly than defecation, but it is important to recognize that the organ for the act of urination is almost the external genital organ. There is no statistical list of this kind, but the author has the impression that there is no word concerning urination, nor the external genital organ of the same sex in coprolalia words, that there is no movement of hitting the external genital organ as a tic mouvement and that there is no act of washing the external genital organ after urination as an act of obsessive compulsive disorder. Genital bodily sensation means bodily sensation of the external genital organ in the normal state (24 hours) inside an underwear, (or in contact with an underwear), the glans penis, the clitoris, etc. Although there is no sexual significance in early childhood, the organ of urination will be repressed as a sensation of different nature than other bodily sensations. Logically, the extremity of the urethra is highly probable. There are many possibilities, and this is a suggestion for the direction of the inference.
«The compulsive physical sensation» of OCD does not need actual secretion of adrenaline, and it is the appearance of a sensation that resembles adrenaline effects. The Libido makes an imitation of adrenaline effects.
Adrenaline effects;
slight tension in muscles: hands, arms, legs, stomach, throat, stomach, etc. sweat on the forehead, dry mouth, dry tongue, want to breathe more, sweaty palms, change in heartbeat, rising or falling of blood pressure, etc.
It is not the thought that forces an act of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but bodily anxiety for the amplification of these bodily sensations. Bodily anxiety means that anxiety is a bodily effect. This anxiety is a bodily repression of another bodily sensation, for example the genitals.
Medication for tic disorder of children.
The parents who do not know the corporeality of the Absolute-Compulsion of tic disorder mistakenly consider the tic movements as involuntary movements. They try various substances that prevent tic movements. On the other hand, if parents think the tic movements are voluntary movements, and do not know the corporeality of the Absolute-Compulsion, they think their child is “stupid” and make swallow drugs that have side effects, and hope that the child stops the movement by this punishment. Or else, they want to make the stupid more stupid and make him stop the movement. KV is often hereditary; perhaps in some cases, they want the child to take drugs, which they themselves do not take. There are also problems during class in school.
Anyway, as a hypothesis, if they found a substance to control the enzyme of the « compulsive intramuscular sensation » of tic disorder in voluntary muscles, the lower layer will lose the mechanism of repression of the upper layer and can become an object of the Conscious. The Unconscious that lost the KV of tic may choose another type of KV. Are there any cases where a child who has a tic began a medication and it brought about an obsessive-compulsive disorder? There is no document on this issue. Also, it is not impossible that the power of the KV of tic increases against the activity of a medication.

To therapists of tic disorders.
Der vorliegende Abschnitt ist für die Psychoanalytiker und die Therapeuten, die Patienten mit Ticstörung haben, geschrieben worden. Die Hauptbehandlung der Kuriki Methode liegt an Ausübungen der emotionalen Katharsis, die für Zustände von einem labile Gleichgewicht oft zu stark werden kann. Es is wichtig, die Beziehung zwischen der Entladung-Stärke und dem Wiederherstellen, das nach einem kathartischen Schock notwendig ist, mit dem individuellen Unterschiede zu kennen. Therapeuten müssen die Dynamik der emotionalen Katharsis quantitativ kennen. Diese quantitativen Erkenntnisse über starken Abreaktion sind das Fundament der kathartischen Behandlungen. Besonders Abreaktion-Behandlungen für Kinder, den keine emotionale Katharsis gemacht wird, aus dem Gefühl, das der Therapeut an Stelle des Kindes hat, als körperlichen Erkenntnisse bestehen. Das Vermögen eines Kindes über das Wiederherstellen nach einem verbalen Abreaktion-Schocke kann nicht vorhergesehen werden. Als der Kern der Tic-Störung sehr groß ist, muß eine Behandlung extrem schrittweise gehen. Ich schlage Therapeuten es vor, daß sie das Kind zeichnen lassen. Vorurteilsfrei werden alle Möglichkeiten erwartet. Die stärkste Behandlung ist, seinen nackten Vater zeichnen zu lassen, und auch seine Mutter. Das ist zu stark und sogar zu aggressiv, aber würde es viele Anhalte geben. Auch kann ein Zeichnen vom Innere der seine Wohnung hilfsvoll sein. Jeder Therapeut hat seine Arten. Jedenfalls, wenn die Kinder die Körperliche Verdrängung verstanden haben, werden die Traumata automatisch gefunden werden.
Ein Tic kann nur in einer Minute diagnostiziert werden, aber die Diagnose von Tic heißt eine Diagnose über die Präsenz von andere Krankheiten, besonders die Präsenz vom Element der Epilepsie und die Präsenz vom Element der Dystonie. Wenn der Ausbruch der Krankheit spät ist, kann die Möglichkeit der Präsenz von andere Krankheiten ein benig höher sein. Während unvermischte Tic-Bewegungen willkürliche Bewegungen sind, die von Erscheinungen des Tics gezwungen werden, können Bewegungen anderer Krankheiten unwillkürliche Bewegungen sein. Auch während die Erscheinungen des Tics sich an andere Körperteile verstellen, bleiben die Bewegungen der anderen Krankheiten gleich. Das heißt, eine unvermischte Tic-Bewegung kann durch eine ähnliche Bewegung substituiert werden. Mit der Präsenz vom Element der Epilepsie oder der Präsenz vom Element der Dystonie, hat der Patient beide willkürliche Bewegungen und unwillkürliche Bewegungen. Weil solche Diagnose ist wichtiger als die Präsenz von der Zwangsstörung, deshalb eine Diagnose des Tourette-Syndroms muß etwas wie;
“Tourette ohne Epilepsie, ohne Dystonie”,
“Tourette mit einem Element der Epilepsie”,
“Tourette mit einem Element der Dystonie”, usw.
Ich weiß die übliche Unterscheidung zwischen dem Tic und dem Tourette-Syndroms, aber ich denke, daß ein Tic ein Tourette ist und ein Tourette ein Tic ist. Oder das Tourette ist die angeborene Prädisposition für Erscheinungen des Tics, die seine Symtome sind.
Ein willkürliche-unwillkürliche-Bewegungen-Patient. (sehr selten).
Logisch denke Ich, daß Erscheinungen des Tics auch das Mittel zu unangenehmen körperlichen Empfindungen der unwillkürliche Bewegungen sein können. Hier, heißt die unwillkürliche Bewegung auch die unwillkürliche Muskelkontraktion von der Dystonie. Diese unwillkürlichen Bewegungen können auch sehr subtil gefühlt werden.