Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication §40

The Kuriki method (the first edition in 2007) is a theory about Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and obsessive-compulsive disorder to cure these diseases without medication. This theory is based on the author’s inference and interpretation regarding the structure of these diseases. Since it has been written for the psychoanalysts, reading will be difficult for people in general and it might be sometimes read erroneously. Therefore the Kuriki method must presuppose that the patient is treated by a nearby psychoanalyst, and that, between the patient and the Kuriki method, there is always the psychoanalyst. The explosion of emotional catharsis, which has strong repercussions, is done only for three seconds, once a week: beyond this rhythm, it would be an accident caused by negligence, and the psychoanalyst who is inexperienced in emotional catharsis must take responsibility for the temporary mental collapse caused by the accident. Also, to the patient who has weak capacity of logical reasoning, the psychoanalyst must explain well on the violent emotion of revenge caused by the illusory confusion between the person of the traumatic image in his head and the person in the real world.


Cure for Tourette’s syndrome (tic disorder) and OCD without medication


If your child starts to do a tic movement.
In the Kuriki method, the upper layer of tic disorder is considered as a mechanism of repression of bodily sensations. The preoccupation not to do the tic movement can become a means of repression of the sensations of other body parts. You should not indicate the tic movement of your child. You should not order your child not to do it. You should totally disregard the tic movement of your child. In this sense, it would be more consistent not to go to the doctor, but with the responsibility of the author and also a little possibility of other diseases, the author can not recommend not to go to the doctor. Without knowing the symptoms of the child of each reader, the author has no right to recommend not to go to the hospital. While the method Kuriki is a question of the understanding of each reader, the author recommends to finish reading all the 50 sections of the Kuriki method before seeing the doctor. In general, if it is a pure tic, it is not necessary to see the doctor in haste, even if the tic movement is a big movement. The author cannot know the possibility of other diseases of the child of each reader. (Diagnosis of the autistic spectrum and of the presence or the absence of epilepsy and dystonia is important.)
You should totally disregard the tic movement of your child. But you should not ignore the cause of the tic disorder. You will search what is there, in fact, in the Unconscious of the child. The traumatic image is an enigma, which you can not find easily. Often the key to the enigma is unconsciously expressed in drawings that the child did.
1. There may be the image of a thing, that the child misunderstood when he was a baby and that remains in the Unconscious since then. A very childishly misunderstood image. A contradiction in the fact that father is a human man and mother is a human woman. In daily life, something intuitively bizarre, something intuitively grotesque. One of the bodily characteristics of someone. The repressed emotion will remain for several decades in the Unconscious.
For example,
if the mother has a piercing on a body part, which gives a painful
impression, the baby represses the expression of a misunderstood judgment about it, and the emotion of fear will remain in the Unconscious.
For example,
the Unconscious of the baby may have misunderstood a tattoo. He can repress that a figure has been drawn in the skin. If the mother has a tattoo of a butterfly, the mother will remain being considered as a butterfly in the Unconscious, even in adulthood.
For example,
a large scar of someone can be interpreted unreally.
2. A genital or sexual repression in present everyday life of the child.
When a child represses something, he behaves as if nothing had happened. When he does, with an expression of dissatisfaction, something he doesn’t want to do, there is no repression. Repression is something that can not be noticed. A child can seem happy with his repression.
For example,
Children are protected from obscene pornographic images. Equally, father or mother who participates naked the bath of the child, it is extremely obscene. The child looks happy and it is called repression. The child does not know the repression of the sentiment of aversion to this filthiness. The Unconscious, which is forced to see every evening the genital part of an adult person, makes big efforts to repress the disgust. The obscenity and the dirtiness may be conscious, but the anger is repressed. In the Unconscious, the disagreeable judgment does not have bodily expression and will be forgotten by the repression function. It is an enfernal trauma for a neurotic child. A child takes a bath for hygiene. Nudity of another person, who is an adult, is not necessary. The bath of a little boy must be helped by the father with clothes, and a little girl, the mother with clothes, with a lot of conversations.
For example,
If one of the parents caresses too much the body of the child, the reason of it may be incomprehensible to the Unconscious of the child. Normally human tenderness must be expressed verbally.
The Oedipus complex is the conflict, which is healthy and clear, of a triangular relationship, and if the Oedipus complex is not clear, it will be noxious. The Oedipal triangle will be clarified verbally, and intrafamilial cutaneous contact will be verbally refused. This is called the resolution of the Oedipus complex. The rebellious attitude will be encouraged and the sexual desire of the child will head to outside the family. Contrary to this, in general, the word “Oedipus complex” in a bad sense means an ambiguous triangle, which was not resolved.

Here, again, the list of the third page.
List of possible traumas (repression of disagreeable judgment).
Something repeated things as a daily routine : for example,
Nakedness of the father.
Nakedness of the mother.
Nakedness of sisters or brothers.
Indeed, whom I love?
Guilt feeling of the sensation of his or her own genitals.
Secret of the erection and the good sensation of male genital part.
Secret of the good sensation of female genital part.
Guilt feeling of sexual things.
A totally unconscious homosexual element.
Homosexual element of the father.
Homosexual element of the mother.
Real homosexuality.
The special physical characteristic of someone.
etc., etc.
Some things are not listed.
There is no relation of signification between the content of trauma and the manner of movement of tic.
When the trauma has been found, you will explain verbally to the child what he had misunderstood as being a baby, and what is libidinally disagreeable in present everyday life. An act of the parents of the verbalization about the object of repression is more important than the understanding of the explanation, and it is not necessary that the child reacts immediately to the explanation. It is obvious that the parents should not show their genital part to the child and that they should not touch children sexually, even if it is as a joke. A tic can not be started by any social stress, such as stress in school. The cause of a neurosis has necessarily a sexual element or genital part element. Search in the daily life of the child the object of repression.
The primitive sensations (anus, rectum, bladder, urethra, the genital sensation, glans penis, clitoris, etc.) may be unconsciously disagreeable for small children. If one of the objects of the upper layer is the bodily genital sensation, the repression can be concerning a judgment on the accidental masturbatory sensation of the child. The child may be surprised by a genital orgasm and may repress the image of the event. The male genital orgasm is a dry orgasm; empty movement of prostate. Awareness of the concrete image, such as the place of the event, is necessary. A human being, who is in good health, has genital sensation, and feeling of guilt about it. The Unconscious tries to freeze the judgment in the state of zero genital sensation and zero feeling of guilt. It will be very healthy, if the state of the Conscious is with 100% genital sensation and 100% feeling of guilt. Children who have elements of Asperger need a clear verbalization about the primitives sensations, above all the genital sensation.
For example,
suppose that tic of a child is repression of the genital sensation, if we continue the argument back in time to very early childhood, there are some postures that may cause the repression of the genital sensation in the Unconscious. This is one of many possibilities. Awareness of the place and the thing of the event is necessary.
The cause of tic disorder of a child must be one of many possibilities. The readers need to understand the psychoanalytic sense in order to find the traumatic image, which is the cause of a tic. Even if a child of eight years was diagnosed by a pediatrician, who said that the cause is a school stress, as Tourette is a pathological predisposition, which is congenital, his tic may have already begun at the age of three.
The parents are too strict”; it causes a disagreeable judgment and an disagreeable emotion that are too obvious to be able to remain repressed for long. “The parents are too strict” can never be the cause of a tic disorder. 100% disagreeable in the Conscious.
For a child who has a predisposition of Tourette’s syndrome or who is a little bit Asperger, rather the image of being caressed gently the skin by one of the parents can be traumatic. The persons who have Tourette syndrome often hate real cutaneous contact.