Memorization of the 48 formulas of differential and integral calculus
In the material world, things exist and move. Men calculate the quantities of the ideal attributes of these things; temporal length, spatial length, etc. While “a point without volume” does not exist in the material world, in mathematics, contrary to it, the methods of calculation evolve one by one from the ideal elements. What is interesting is that these mathematical evolutions are not creations, but discoveries. Theorems and numbers, which had already ideally existed in the material world, have been discovered. The validity of the Pythagorean theorem existed even during the Cambrian. These numbers and theorems, which have been logically discovered, are beyond human intuitive understanding. Mathematics is an attempt to logically understand the invisible quantitative structure of the material world by numbers and theorems. At the point where the logarithm and the trigonometric functions go beyond the comprehension by image, that is to say, at the point where plane curve does not mean more than a thread on the paper, that is the starting line of mathematics. The validity of equations is not intuitively visible. Therefore, the memorization of the formulas is essential for mathematics. The memorization of the 48 formulas must be done before you start to learn differential and integral calculus, as writing on a paper. There is also a video for advanced math students.